
The miraccle of Art and Honesty

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berra91's avatar

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A friend recently told me that his art "sucked" since it wasn't (in his opinion) very good.

And then it struck me; that to me it didn't matter if it was.

I realized that in the end it doesn't matter if you paint a van gogh or compose a piece of music like Bach or if it is more similar to kindergarten drawings and random stomping on a piano. In the end there is this thing, this miracle of art where the quality of the artpiece isn't decided by the skill as much as the emotion and honesty within the artist.

Maybe in the end the skill of the artist only decides how easy it is to get the message through to the wiever? But still an artist with emotion and honesty to his work could be far better than that of a Mona Lisa?

And I think that is the miracle of art; Art isn't just skill and the work itself, its the message and meaning behind it that matters.

And it's there where communitys like DeviantArt becommes less of an art sharing community and more of a Community of sharing messages, emotions and feelings though through the medium of Art and Poetry and whatever else we can send it through.

As Horace said "A picture is a poem without words"

Thanks for listening to my rant :) and keep Creating!
A piece about Art and the miracle therein.
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